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Contact Us *NEW: Order-Number Display
For years now, American
restaurants have been paging customers when their tables are ready. Now, it’s
the customers’ turn. No more must your waitress interrupt your conversations
(sometimes mid-sentence) to check on you or interrupt your thoughts to ask if
you are ready to order. Finally, INSTANT
GRATIFICATION when you need a refill or the check or anything else. Introducing RECS—the Radio-Electronic Calling System,
an idea tried and tested for the last four years in some of the best
food-service establishments in Eastern Europe, but a brand new concept in
North America—simple, ingenious and set to revolutionize the food-service
industry. The most common complaint about restaurants is their service. Research conducted by Yakitoria®, a large restaurant chain headquartered in Russia, has shown that RECS, when used as a wireless waiter-paging solution, increases profits by an astounding 25%, because it provides greater service while requiring fewer waiters.
TV Feed Pager Transmitter / Controller
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2008 |